The innovative regional growth core "smood® – smart neighborhood" includes 16 companies, four research institutions and ThEEN as an association in the Central Thuringia region. The smood® alliance was launched in October 2018 after the initiative successfully passed the assessment center at the Federal Ministry of Research in July 2018. The goal of smood® is to establish a holistic system for increasing energy efficiency in existing neighborhoods. It is implemented with the development of the neighborhood into a source and consumer network system with the realization of a high local degree of utilization of renewable energies through suitable storage and control technologies.

In the process, a variety of technological developments as components of energy generation, quarter-specific scaled modular conversion and storage as well as intelligent control will be linked to a systemic approach of regional value creation for the participating Thuringian companies.

smood® is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for the period 2019–2022. The funding provided totals 10 million Euros.

Project Consortium