The joint research project "Great H₂ – Green Hydrogen for industrial applications in Thuringia" of the Thuringian Renewable Energy Network (ThEEN) e.V. and the HySON Institute for Applied Hydrogen Research Sonneberg gGmbH has started. Thuringia's Energy Minister Anja Siegesmund officially handed over the funding notification to Jana Liebe, Managing Director of ThEEN, representing both project partners.
The research project aims to develop methods for identifying, evaluating and demonstrating green-generated hydrogen in suitable industrial applications in Thuringia. The Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (TMUEN) is funding the project with 401,671.55 euros until the end of 2023.
Over the next two years, ThEEN and HySON will, among other things:
- develop new direct-use concepts for plants previously funded by the German Renewable Energies Act (EEG) (especially post-EEG and de-energized plants) to produce H₂,
- investigate the suitability of industrial high-temperature processes (melting, sintering, firing)
- and analyze the necessary framework conditions for the implementation of hydrogen projects in Thuringia in the context of pilot and demonstration projects.

Project partners:
- Thuringian Renewable Energy Network (ThEEN) e.V.
- HySON - Institute for Applied Hydrogen Research Sonneberg gGmbH
Duration: November 2021 to December 2023
Funding amount: 401.671,55 €
Funding body: Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation (TMUEN)